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Panther Knowledge Base

I haven't received the invitation email for my Panther account


When adding a new user to your Panther Console, the user never receives the invitation email.


To troubleshoot this issue:


If the invitation email does not appear in your spam folder, and you are on a Cloud Connected (formerly CPaaS) or legacy Self-Hosted account deployment, verify the following:

  • Verify that the CloudFormation stack(s) is CREATE_COMPLETE.
  • From the CloudFormation web console, double-check the FirstUserEmail parameter in your stack to verify whether you mistyped the email address.
  • Check the Panther CloudWatch dashboards for any errors.
  • Search the /aws/lambda/panther-cfn-custom-resources for error messages to help identify the root cause of the issue.


This most often occurs if the email goes to your spam folder.