How do I tag Slack users with Slackbot Alerts from Panther?
To tag a Slack user using Panther's Slackbot, you can enter their member ID in either the alert_context
function or the runbook field. It's essential to ensure that you're using the member ID format (<@U123456>) instead of the Slack username format (<@user>). When entering the member ID, make sure to enclose it within angle brackets (<>).
To find your Slack member ID:
Click your profile picture in the top right corner of Slack.
Click Profile.
Click the vertical 3-dots icon.
Click Copy member ID.
Alternatively, you can tag a Slack team or subteam:
To tag a Slack team, use this format: <@teamID>. For example, <@T012ABCDEFG>.
To tag a Slack subteam, use this format: <!subteam^ID>. For example, <!subteam^S012ABCDEFG>.