How do I update my Panther alerts in bulk? For example, if I have a large number of false positives, how do I resolve of those alerts?


Option 1: Panther API

You can do this programmatically via the Panther API. See the Panther API Alerts & Errors documentation for an example.

Option 2: Panther Console

If you are updating less than 25 alerts at once, you can do this directly in the Panther Console. See the documentation for more information: Bulk updating alerts in Panther.

To see a walk-through of this process: in the Panther Console, use keyboard shortcut ⌘+K to pull up the search bar, then search for "bulk update alerts." 

Option 3: Run a script

Run the script below in Terminal to bulk-update Panther alerts. You will need to pip install gql aiohttp for this script to run.

Before you run the script, be sure to make the following changes to it:


# pip install gql aiohttp

from gql import gql, Client
from gql.transport.aiohttp import AIOHTTPTransport

# ----------------- CHANGE THESE VALUES TO ALTER YOUR QUERY -----------------
#    Do not remove any variables
query_start_date = "2022-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
query_end_date = "2023-03-13T00:00:00.000Z"

query_statuses = ["OPEN"]
query_severities = ["HIGH"]

#    Set values to None to update all sources and detections
query_log_sources = None  # ["Okta.SystemLog"]
query_detection_id = None  # "Okta.GeographicallyImprobableAccess"
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

transport = AIOHTTPTransport(
    headers={"X-API-Key": "YOUR_API_KEY"}

client = Client(transport=transport, fetch_schema_from_transport=True)

# `FindAlerts` is a nickname for the query. You can fully omit it.
find_alerts = gql(
    query FindAlerts($input: AlertsInput!) {
      alerts(input: $input) {
        edges {
          node {
        pageInfo {

# `UpdateAlerts` is a nickname for the query. You can fully omit it.
update_alerts = gql(
    mutation UpdateAlerts($input: UpdateAlertStatusByIdInput!) {
      updateAlertStatusById(input: $input) {
        alerts {

# an accumulator that holds all alerts that we fetch all pages
all_alerts = []
# a helper to know when to exit the loop
has_more = True
# the pagination cursor
cursor = None

# handle serializing input values
input_values = {}
if query_start_date:
    input_values['createdAtAfter'] = query_start_date
if query_end_date:
    input_values['createdAtBefore'] = query_end_date
if query_detection_id:
    input_values['detectionId'] = query_detection_id
if query_statuses:
    input_values['statuses'] = query_statuses
if query_severities:
    input_values['severities'] = query_severities
if query_log_sources:
    input_values['logTypes'] = query_log_sources

# Keep fetching pages until there are no more left
while has_more:
    input_constructed = {'input': input_values.copy()}

    if cursor:
        input_constructed['input']['cursor'] = cursor

    query_data = client.execute(

    all_alerts.extend([edge["node"] for edge in query_data["alerts"]["edges"]])
    if all_alerts:
        print(f"Successfully found {len(all_alerts)} alerts!")

    has_more = bool(query_data["alerts"]["pageInfo"]["hasNextPage"])
    cursor = query_data["alerts"]["pageInfo"]["endCursor"]

if all_alerts:
    user_input = ''
    print(f"\nFound {len(all_alerts)} alerts with the following criteria:\n" + "    - " + "\n    - ".join(
        [f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in input_values.items()]))

    while user_input.lower() not in ['n', 'no', 'y', 'yes']:
        # Get user input with a prompt
        user_input = input(f"Proceed to set all of these to RESOLVED? Y/N: ")

        if user_input.lower() in ['yes', 'y']:
            print("Confirmed. These alerts are being resolved. This can take some time...")
            mutation_data = client.execute(
                    "input": {
                        "ids": [alert["id"] for alert in all_alerts],
                        "status": "RESOLVED"

            print(f'Resolved {len(mutation_data["updateAlertStatusById"]["alerts"])} alert(s)!')

        elif user_input.lower() in ['no', 'n']:
    input_str = "Used the following criteria:\n"
    for key, value in input_values.items():
        input_str += f"    - {key}: {value}\n"

    input_str = input_str.rstrip()
    print(f"No alerts found.\n\n{input_str}")