I have a scheduled query that failed to run, will Panther automatically retry the query?
Panther has a robust backlog queue for ensuring that failed queries aren't skipped.
When Panther runs a scheduled query, it first checks the backlog queue to determine if any previous queries had errors. If so, Panther re-runs those queries. If the retry also fails, Panther leaves the previous runs in the backlog queue, and adds the current run to the queue as well.
Panther will continue performing the retries and queuing until the queries pass. In this way, users can update a query to resolve any errors, and then Panther will rerun the queries with the new logic.
It's important to note that, while Panther records the original timestamps of railed runs in order to ensure each retry is scanning the same timeframe, you're query may not be configured to properly take advantage of this. Please ensure your queries utilize macros like p_occurs_since and p_current_timestamp to ensure that retries are performed on the original dataset. Do not use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP or other Snowflake-native methods for this purpose.