How do I determine and use the most recent Panther version for self-hosted deployments?

It's important to use the most recent stable version for self-hosted Panther deployments. Here's how you can find and use the latest version:

Check the documentation

The Panther documentation lists the most recently published GA (General Availability) version. However, this may not always reflect the absolute latest version available.

Use AWS CLI to find the latest version

To get an always up-to-date list of patch versions, you can use either of the following AWS CLI commands:

export VERSION=<Minor Panther version you want to see patch versions for, e.g. 1.108>

# To print the latest patch version for a given minor version:
aws s3 ls s3://panther-community-us-east-1 --no-sign-request | grep "PRE v$VERSION" | awk -F"PRE v|/"  '{print $2}' | sort -V | tail -1

# To print all patch versions for a given minor version:
aws s3 ls s3://panther-community-us-east-1 --no-sign-request | grep "PRE v$VERSION" | awk '{print $2}' | sort -t "." -k1,1n -k2,2n -k3,3n

Using the latest version

Once you've identified the latest version:

  1. Use this version number when deploying or upgrading your Panther instance.

  2. It's recommended to test the new version in a development environment before applying it to your production environment.

  3. If you encounter any issues or notice anything unusual, don't hesitate to contact Panther support for assistance.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you're always using the most recent and stable version of Panther for your self-hosted deployment.