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Can I use multiple Panther indicators for a single field in a schema?


Can I use multiple Panther indicators for a single field in a schema, and if yes, what will be the correct format?


Yes, it is possible to use multiple indicators in a single field.

Both formats below can be used:

- name: my_value
      required: true
      type: string
      indicators: [domain, hostname]
- name: my_value
      required: true
      type: string
               - domain
               - hostname

In the example above with the domain and hostname indicators, the actual value will define whether it will be stored as p_any_domain_names or p_any_ip_addresses or in both fields.

The Panther indicators table explains how each value matches each indicator.


For example, hostname matches p_any_domain_names and p_any_ip_addresses, while domain matches only p_any_domain_names 

As a result,

  •  If the value is an IP this will generate both p_any_domain_names and p_any_ip_addresses
  •  If the value is a domain this will generate only p_any_domain_names

Schema example:

version: 0
- name: my_value
      required: true
      type: string
      indicators: [domain, hostname]
- name: my_second_value
      required: true
      type: string
               - domain
               - hostname

JSON test log file:

{ "my_value": "", "my_second_value":""}

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